
Secondary Middle Years 6-10

Walford Anglican School for Girls

Entry Requirements

Course Details

The middle years of schooling are the most exhilarating and challenging time in a young person’s life. These are identity forming years where adolescents will undergo physical and emotional changes that will shape their attitudes, their values and beliefs as they prepare for their journey into adulthood. Our Middle School teachers are specially trained to support early adolescents as they take on new challenges and explore the world around them with increased curiosity.

Learning and Teaching

Walford’s Middle School curriculum offers rigour, balance and challenge, providing a structured transition between the Junior and Senior years of schooling.

At Walford, students are encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning, delving richly and deeply into concepts that are linked to globally relevant, real-life situations.

During the middle years, students will study a core of subjects that include English, Science, Mathematics, Humanities, the Arts (Drama, Visual Arts and Music), Health and Physical Education, Chinese/French, and Digital and Design Technologies.

Further to the core subjects, Middle School students undertake an exciting array of electives that have real-life application. These include business start-ups, philosophy (ways of thinking and knowing) and community service learning projects.

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Level of Study: Junior Secondary Studies

Duration: 260 weeks

CRICOS Course Code: 065777B

English Requirements: IELTS Score UG

Annual Tuition: AUD$34,000.00

More information is available at the institution's website

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