
Junior High School - Years 7-10

SA Government Schools

Entry Requirements

Course Details

South Australian government secondary schools are well-equipped with creative learning spaces that include technology labs, performance centres and hospitality, vocational learning and specialist sporting facilities.

You can choose a school that is near the beach, close to the city centre or in the country.

As part of your secondary school program you will live with a supportive homestay family or you can nominate to live with a relative or family friend.


The Australian curriculum is designed to cater to the specific academic needs and interests of students and guide them towards their ideal future pathway.

The core learning areas are English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities and Social Sciences, The Arts, Languages, Health and Physical Education, Technologies and Work Studies. Schools offer a broad range of specialised subjects and special interest programs within the core learning areas which challenge students to develop essential skills and capabilities.

Specialised subjects include marine biology, hospitality, surfing, outdoor education, dance, music and photography. If you want to try a new subject, you should consider this when choosing your school.

Special interest programs are available to students with a talent or passion in a particular subject area such as languages, music, performing arts and sport. Entry into these programs may require evidence of student aptitude, an audition or try-out prior to acceptance. Additional fees may apply.

Students can also participate in a range of co-curricular activities including sport, music bands, engineering design competitions, debating and drama productions.

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Level of Study: Junior Secondary Studies

Duration: 208 weeks

CRICOS Course Code: 0101628

English Requirements: IELTS Score UG

Annual Tuition: AUD$14,400.00

More information is available at the institution's website

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